Monday, December 15, 2008

Jon turns 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jon turned ten on Friday. He chose to have a small family party and get the gift of his choice (Icoaster) instead of a large party with all the extras. I was relieved. It's so much more relaxed. Steve took him and a friend down to Game Zone where they played video games for a few hours and then we came back to the house to have dinner and cake. Jon requested a "slime" cake from his Nickelodeon cookbook. It was fun to make.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Decorating the tree

Our very own bumble!


Hi Yvonne! Heard you are doing well. Hope you are enjoying retirement, you sure earned it. Later :)

Christmas Programs

*EDIT At the request of Kipp and Lynne Ivey, through their attorney, the picture of their daughter Becca is no longer available on the blog.

The kids all had their Christmas programs recently. I only got 1 good one of Jon, we were sitting in the balcony and the lighting wasn't the best. Lauren's hair looked fabulous at her's. Emmye styled it right before the program. She looked like a living doll. The pic I have of Cassie isn't the best, but it sure shows how much she looks like Lauren! She was darling in her program. Someday she will know we were always looking.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Here are some of Jon's recent school projects hanging on the wall outside his classroom:

And Lauren's:

Lauren's class made tools, toys, etc. that Native Americans would have done. She made a necklace out of chicken bones. It is hanging on the net on the bottom right of the picture. Luckily we had chicken that weekend! I told her since we took a picture the original had to go. I can only imagine the SMELL after a few weeks. YUCK!
Both are excited for Christmas. Jon is pining for an X Box 360, although he knows he isn't getting one. We have a Wii and that is quite enough. He and his friend do play Steve's old X Box in the basement. I think Steve is really the one that wants the 360. Jon really likes things he can build, like motorized erector (sp?) sets. He also LOVES anything to do with art. I think he takes after his Grandpa Don when it comes to that.
Lauren still loves Littlest Pet Shop. She likes to play school and really wants an MP3 player. Actually they both do. Don't know if they will get one this year. I'm unsure if I want them going around with things in their ears all the time. She is showing interest in pierced earings. Loves jewelry. Her ears were pierced when she was young but i think they have closed. I may get them done again if she is up to it. Her choice.